Clifton outdoor fires A brand of DERO Textil-Design

Clifton outdoor fires A brand of DERO Textil-Design GmbH

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Königsberger Straße 135
47809 Krefeld

02151 5088770

02151 508871

Auf einen Blick


4,8 Mio.




Über Clifton outdoor fires A brand of DERO Textil-Design

Kurzporträt: ‘Clifton outdoor fires, a brand of DERO Textil-Design GmbH, is a company based in Krefeld and led by Joshua Rolef. Specializing in outdoor fires, Clifton offers a wide range of gas fireplaces that create a unique and cozy atmosphere for any outdoor space. With their high-quality products, customers can enjoy beautiful moments and unforgettable experiences in their gardens or on their balconies. Clifton’s gas fireplaces are not only aesthetically pleasing but also provide warmth, allowing customers to spend more time outdoors even in colder temperatures. The company takes pride in its excellent customer service, ensuring quick delivery and providing helpful advice to customers. Clifton outdoor fires aims to transform outdoor areas into the focal point of any event, offering a selection of gas fireplaces that bring comfort and ambiance to any occasion.

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Immobilien (Ausführung) 31.03.2021

DERO Textil-Design: Der rheinische Allrounder in Sachen Design

DERO Textil-Design bietet sowohl End- als auch Fachkunden für jeden Wohnbereich die passenden Heimtextilien. Im Outdoor-Segment ist das Unternehmen zusätzlich auf Gaskamine spezialisiert.

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